Friday, August 31, 2007

The G-Shot should have more to do with G-Force

I have recently been scarred by a Dispatch article on vaginal surgeries. I understand the need to remove tumors and that sort of thing, but this story talks about surgeries such as, “procedures to tighten the vaginal opening, decrease labia size and shoot collagen into the G-spot, an area of the vaginal wall thought to be highly sensitive.”


Who came up with this stuff? Wouldn’t a doctor’s or researcher’s time be better spent finding a cure for cancer, Lou Gehrig’s disease or Alzheimer’s?

I began wondering who would even get this type of surgery, but I already know the answer—dumb holes who didn’t get hugged enough by their daddies who pay $500,000 for bigger boobs, lips and a tighter butt.

I guess wherever stupid people are willing to spend their money, greedy doctors will find a way to get it.

And they say our society has lost its finesse*.

It has.

*Five points to anyone who can tell me where that quote comes from.

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