Friday, June 27, 2008

You know what I hate?

This is in honor of the long-hair....
You know what I hate? People who use the word quagmire. It's ridiculous. This morning I heard one Massachusetts voter say he didn't like the "military quagmire overseas."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Zombie Strippers -- take your whole family to see it!

Because I know everyone is curious, I went to see Zombie Strippers at the Gateway yesterday and it rocked my socks.

Robert Englund, better known as Freddie Krueger, and Jenna Jameson were in it as well as some unknowns who did a decent job. The movie was absolutely ridiculous -- and when I say ridiculous I MEAN RIDICULOUS -- and riddled with stereotypes and boobies, but with a title like Zombie Strippers what else can you expect?

The cheese factor was high, but movies like Zombie Strippers can't afford not to make fun of themselves. Robert Englund is awesome as the sleazy strip club owner and really the only likable character, besides the extremely stereotypical janitor, Paco. There is plenty of gore (though a few scenes were pretty badly done), but the makeup was awesome. Jenna Jameson looked absolutely hideous for most of the movie and she played her part well. There's an incredibly cheesy fight scene between two zombie strippers and the zombies stripping are pretty funny too.
My only complaints were the unneeded military and the political statements the movie tried to make by continually bashing GW. The movie starts out not so far into the future where GW is taking his fourth term in office with Arnold as VP and Jenna Bush as Supreme Court Justice. It annoyed me that a film so clearly out to be cheesy and over the top had to bash the pres. Why try to make a statement? Just show us zombies and strippers damnit!
But all in all, its a great movie to watch, be entertained and not be tempted to think, at all. I'd try to catch it soon to. From what I've heard, it a limited engagement.

Take that gas!

Today I decided to work from home to save a little gas. I had to get gas yesterday and as I was bending over and taking it, I decided I need to find a few ways to use my car less. I was also hoping that if I wait for people to call me back from home, I won't get as bored.

What the hell was I thinking? It's not even 11:30 and I'm bored out of my gourd. I started working at 8 and was very industrious. I returned a ton of emails, made 8 calls, left 8 messages, did some rewriting and checked web sites.

Without the annoyance of coworkers I get my stuff done faster and have more time to be bored.


I think I need a job that keeps my constantly moving and thinking. I've managed to rule out lion taming and the counter-terrorist unit (I just don't think I'm qualified). Any suggestions?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pretty Pictures

I finally decided to get off my lazy ass and post some photos from my vaca.
So here they are.....


More Paris....

The conservatory garden at the Bellagio...

Part of the strip at night....

And Zion National Park.
Neato, huh?

Brain Stew, the return

Here's some more intelligence from our favorite burnout:

"There are some Beatles songs I can listen to over and over again. 'I am the Walrus.' You ever heard that one?"

On coughing... "It’s almost like you damaged your….. something."

"I hate elections man. I hate politicians too. I hate insurance salesmen, car salesmen, politicians. They’re all slimy, soulless politicians."

"When its black its white and when its white its black."

"It’s not good to eat out all the time. It’s why America is the fattest country in the whole world and everyone is in debt."

That's all for today, but as the burnout says, see you on the flip.
And yes, it's just flip, no flip side like a normal human being.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Breaking News

I've decided to add a new element to my blog. When I'm not feeling too lazy I'll post what I like to call "Brain Stew - Ramblings from our favorite burnout."

"People always talk about politics but they’re not the ones who decide who the president is."

"I like to be honest, you know? If someone asks me if I like something, I’m going to say no or I’ll say yes if I like it. I’m not in the business of lying to myself about how I feel about something."

"I think the definition of happiness is, no matter how much money you have, is no debt and have a job you really like no matter what it is -- basket weaving or whatever it is to have happiness… "

"I think a lot of people watch prime time television and it’s such a farce of unreality and people spend hours and weeks entrenched in those shows and they think they’re learning something. They’re not actually going out there and doing it."

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Above the influence? Really? Really??

I'm getting sick of these Above the Influence commercials that say how bad smoking weed is. If you're going to point out the evils of pot, pick out something convincing.

Airing a commercial with a talking dog, even though he's chastizing you about being high, is NOT at all convincing. In fact it makes you want to smoke until dogs start talking.