Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Make room in the trophy case

I hate to sound like Jerry Seinfeld but what’s up with all these series? The Dispatch has gone ape shit lately with series (is someone trying to catch up for contest season??).

It started out with the ABC's of Betrayal, which would have been a good series had they focused more on reporting news rather than making it.

The baby series that made me want to retch followed. I’ll admit it—I don’t like babies and I didn’t read the series at all. But is a seven-day series on a baby who’s been in the hospital forever with whogivesashit disease really necessary?

Now Fighting Fakes is gracing the pages and to be honest I thought it was an AP series at first. Is this series really worth it to foot the bill for a reporter’s trip to Thailand ?

Nope. I really tried to read it with the fact that it must have been an expensive piece to write so it may be worth it in my mind. But I completely lost interest by the fourth paragraph.

Is the Dispatch really trying to drum up pity for clothing companies? REALLY? I know my heart goes out to the multi-billion dollar companies who outsource and then charge ridiculous amounts of money for their clothes. I weep for them.

Couldn’t the money and manpower that went into this series be better spent elsewhere, on a more local subject? What about all the crime in Columbus ? What about the overcrowding in jails? I’m sure there are several better subjects the Dispatch could make news on, rather than burrowing a tunnel up the ass of A&F.

This series almost makes me long for the time of “You Have Cancer.”


writtenbliss said...

I know, right? I've been a little freaked out by it, too. As if that weren't enough, they just started a new one today on Ohio's big cities and how they're in trouble. Oh Dispatch, why are you so exceedingly lame?

writtenbliss said...

Also, do you have an e-mail address, friend?