Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I wanted to see No Country for Old Men when I saw the preview. But after I heard from actual people that it was good, like a lemming, I scurried off to the movie.

I'm not at all saying I didn't like it. I liked it a lot. But when I left the movie, I felt like my soul had been gang raped. Repeatedly. Again, I'm not saying it wasn't entertaining or even a good movie, but it was depressing as hell. I liked the gory parts, but like the typical movie-going lemmings **Spoiler coming, folks** I was a little disappointed that most of the likable characters(especially the guy who started his career with the Goonies) died.

I watched another depressing movie the next day called Zombie Honeymoon. I thought a friend had seen it and liked it (he hasn't watched it yet) and the box said it was funny.

They lied. It was sad. It did not make me laugh as advertised, in fact, it made me cry.

What the hell is with all the depressing movies??? Is Hollywood trying to get rid of middle America by depressing them and making everyone off themselves?

I'm on to you, Hollywood...


Class of 2000 officers said...

evil just rolls on with a broken arm, baby.

we can't stop it.

i'll start a fire for you.

writtenbliss said...

Um, so, I miss you. Can we hang out soon?