Thursday, April 24, 2008

Take that gas!

Today I decided to work from home to save a little gas. I had to get gas yesterday and as I was bending over and taking it, I decided I need to find a few ways to use my car less. I was also hoping that if I wait for people to call me back from home, I won't get as bored.

What the hell was I thinking? It's not even 11:30 and I'm bored out of my gourd. I started working at 8 and was very industrious. I returned a ton of emails, made 8 calls, left 8 messages, did some rewriting and checked web sites.

Without the annoyance of coworkers I get my stuff done faster and have more time to be bored.


I think I need a job that keeps my constantly moving and thinking. I've managed to rule out lion taming and the counter-terrorist unit (I just don't think I'm qualified). Any suggestions?

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