Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Breaking News

I've decided to add a new element to my blog. When I'm not feeling too lazy I'll post what I like to call "Brain Stew - Ramblings from our favorite burnout."

"People always talk about politics but they’re not the ones who decide who the president is."

"I like to be honest, you know? If someone asks me if I like something, I’m going to say no or I’ll say yes if I like it. I’m not in the business of lying to myself about how I feel about something."

"I think the definition of happiness is, no matter how much money you have, is no debt and have a job you really like no matter what it is -- basket weaving or whatever it is to have happiness… "

"I think a lot of people watch prime time television and it’s such a farce of unreality and people spend hours and weeks entrenched in those shows and they think they’re learning something. They’re not actually going out there and doing it."

1 comment:

Dennis said...

This post just made my week.