Friday, October 19, 2007

Another reason to never visit SF

San Francisco just got a little worse. Not only do they provide the most money for the homeless, but now they are looking into a facility where medical workers supervise drug addicts as they shoot up.

I’ve been called a ‘cold-hearted conservative,’ but this plan is ludicrous. Why should medical personnel supervise illegal activity? Not only does the plan condone drug use, but it pretty much says, "The drug problem can never be solved. Let’s give up. And while we’re at it, why don’t we take away the fear of overdose that may keep some from doing drugs? Brilliant!"

The city already hosts a clean needle program which seems like a complete waste of tax-payer money, and advocates of the plan say the facility will decrease the amount of overdoses.

But I think fear has already done that. According to the AP’s story, “the number of deaths linked to overdoses has declined from a high of about 160 in 1995 to 40 in 2004…”

There are no such facilities in the U.S., but one in Vancouver reports that there have been 800 overdoses so far, but no deaths.

Good for them for preventing deaths, but if someone needs drugs bad enough to go to one of these places, they’re not going to go there every time they need to shoot up. These facilities are only perpetuating the problem.The money spent on this facility could be much better spent getting drugs off the street.

These bleeding-heart liberals who so value choice need to realize these people chose to do drugs and also chose to deal with the risks associated.

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