Monday, October 22, 2007

Dr. Jones! Dr. Jones!

I love the Indiana Jones trilogy and I'm looking forward to the new one (as long as they don't screw it up), but Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom takes the cake.

Sure I love the Nazis, Sean Connery and Elsa in the other movies, but as far as I'm concerned there's nothing better than the dinner sequence with Snake Surprise, roasted cockroach, eyeball soup and chilled monkey brain ("Ahhh, desert!").

I also enjoy Willie and Short Round for comic relief and I love the part where the voodoo man rips the heart out with his bare hands, I used to try that as a child.


Dennis said...


Agree 100%.

The mine-cart roller coaster, the human sacrifice, the room with the lowering ceiling, a guy going through a rock crusher, and kids being whipped - what more can you ask for?

And the suspense of the opening scene is awesome.

"Now you give ME the diamond."
(violins violins)

HS Nothingswronghere said...

I'm so glad you agree. For some odd reason G. Jonah called The Last Crusade the best.
As Short Round said, "He not nuts. He crazy."