Friday, July 13, 2007

Crocs are a crock... of poo

I'm no fashionista and I go out of my way not to wear heals, but I just can't understand this whole Crocs thing.

Sure I've heard they're super comfortable and really clean, but any shoe that boasts being dishwasher safe is not for me.

I've also heard they're made from materials that aren't bad for the earth. Hopefully that means when everyone realizes how ugly they are and send them to the dump, they'll disintegrate into the earth quickly.

Slate wrote a very telling article about why they're popular, but the author and I still came to the same conclusion-- they're ugly as sin.

So let's destroy all Crocs around the world. If you need tips, check out It's absolutely brilliant.


Merlin said...

They are ugly, indeed. Everytime I see a girl wearing a pair, I want to say bad things to her and throw rocks.

Class of 2000 officers said...

can you beat someone to death with their own crocs? or is the earth-friendly material too soft?

Brittiny said...

This fasionista gives the crocs craze a thumbs down.