Friday, July 27, 2007

Some things never die, like Mick Jagger

I haven't seen it yet, but I've been reading all these negative reviews for The Simpsons movie. Everyone is saying this movie is coming out 10 years too late or The Simpsons has lost its panache. What do I say to that? Worst. Review. Ever.

Sure everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I'll take this opportunity to show mine.

This movie was going to come sooner or later. Why not now, during a summer movie season that's sucking (with the exceptions of Knocked Up and Super Bad)? Sure I sometimes get annoyed with some of the new shows that are a bit too liberal for me, but the Simpsons is still entertaining and engaging.

As pointed out in one review, Homer is getting a bit more mean and stupid, but I think its funny. The show is evolving with time. Mr. Burns is getting more evil, Smithers more gay and Ralphie more screen time. Sure it will never be as good as it was in the 90's, but that's no reason to dog the show or not see the movie.

Anyway, how you can not see a movie with Spider Pig in it? It's almost a sin.

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