Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I need to be put down like old Yeller

Seeing lots runners out and about lately made me nostalgic for my college years when my friend Renee and I would run until we could no longer take a another step. And then we'd have to walk back to our apartments (we weren't very smart). For the last few months every time I've seen a runner happily bouncing along I thought, "I should start running again." I even bothered G. Jonah about taking a run some evening.

So this morning I decided I'd take a quick jog to the post office for my morning workout. I grabbed my mail and headed out the door. For the first few minutes I thought, "This isn't so bad. I can do this."

After about four minutes I started thinking, "My lungs are going to implode and I'm going to vomit all over myself." So much for the runners high.

As I made my way to the post office I remembered why I stopped running. My knees suck and running sucks. I sincerely enjoy the feeling five minutes after I'm done running, but the time spent running I truly hate. I think I'd rather watch White Chicks while I'm getting an enema than run.

So I must give kudos to all those who run. So here's to you summer runners: You're completely insane, but you surely have better legs than I.

1 comment:

Class of 2000 officers said...

your blog makes me laugh.

it's nice to cling too on those chilly summer mornings when i'm miles from the nest.

please keep talking.