Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Can you hear my head shaking?

If you can't, let me describe it to you-- It's in Shame.
I just saw a story that says Clinton and Giuliani are leading in Ohio polls.
I guess I really shouldn't expect more from Ohio, but I am ashamed.
I haven't decided who to throw my support behind yet because I know its a big decision. Once I show my favorite in the 2008 presidential bid, I know everyone will follow me.
It may be early, but I'm pretty sure these two dolts won't get my endorsement.
I won't even start on question-dodging, yes-man Clinton (and I mean man).
After seeing Giuliani sporting heels on Saturday Night Live, he's been among my top choices. A sense of humor is paramount for anyone who deals with a lot of stress, not to mention a country.
But the shambles of his personal life and his non-answers and no plan for the War in Iraq are alarming.
Clinton has an excuse for not making up her mind- she's a woman. But Giuliani needs to get his act together before I start respecting him again.
I suggest that you get your act together as well, Ohio. Do a little reading on the primary candidates, so the next poll I see isn't based solely on name recognition. You'll no longer get by only recognizing the names of OSU football players.
I don't like to chastise you like this, but it's for your own good.

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