Monday, June 11, 2007

Gullible's Travels

The first day back to work after vacation is always like a root canal, although the 10-hour drive back yesterday does come close.
Here's a short run down of my travels over the last week, because I know everyone's interested:

Tues- After a six hour drive in which we passed 26 (yes, I counted) Cracker Barrels, two hitchhikers and two traveling porta-potties, we arrived in Nashville and went to the Willie Nelson Museum, which is just as kickass as it sounds. Then to Cooter's, the Dukes of Hazard Museum which had Daisy Duke Underoos, a Boss Hogg costume and other amazing junk.

Weds- First a visit to the scale-replica of Greece's Parthenon and then off to the Country Music Hall of Fame, which I enjoyed even though I hate country music (really just the recent stuff).

Somehow in all my planning I failed to notice that Thursday through Sunday was the County Music Association's annual music festival. I've never heard of them, but all these famous names were there. We even stumbled upon a parade, but I didn't recognize a soul even though women were screaming and throwing panties.

After checking out the bar scene along Broadway and eating a BLT with roasted apples on it (I don't know how it tasted so good, I'm in strong opposition of the whole fruit on sandwiches and in salads thing) we met up with a former co-worker** for more drinks.
** As for our former co-worker I'm happy to report that everything seems to be going well and his new office is much cooler than the old.

Thurs- I got drunk off fumes while touring the Jack Daniel's Distillery in the dry town of Lynchburg. Really, we breathed in 140 proof fumes that cleared my nasal cavities while learning everything there is to know about making whiskey. We even got to see the safe that eventually caused Jack's death.
I bought a tasty-looking collector's bottle of Jack that is being retired this year and then toured Lynchburg, which took a grand total of 5 minutes.

At the Grand 'Ole Opry Museum I learned everything I'd ever want to know and more about Minnie Pearl (her most recent fame from the Bloodhound Gang's 'A Lap Dance is so Much Better When the Stripper is Crying'). I went to the Cock of the Walk and ate "the world's best catfish," but I've had better. We then enjoyed some after dinner drinks with our former co-worker at a micro brewery that made me wish I drank beer.

More on travels in Memphis will come soon.....

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