Thursday, June 21, 2007

Journalist or Animals??

The Washington Post did an thought-provoking story today on journalists making campaign contributions....
It's very interesting that journalists make enough money to write checks to politicians. I don't know where they work, but something tells me they make enough to not qualify for food stamps. Lucky jerks.
Money matters aside, some interesting arguments were presented.
Complaints of a skewed media are rampant. Journalists are supposed to paint a fair picture in each story and get views from every side of an argument or situation. That's not always done. And even if all sides are presented, stories can be presented in biased ways through language and emitted information.
It's wrong, but it happens.
While bias in the media is unfortunately alive and well, there are some honest journalists who try to present a fair story. These fortunate souls can separate their emotions and opinions from their work.
I'm not against political reporters and editors being banned from making contributions. I can see how political contributions widen the trust gap between the public and the media.
But the public often forgets that the media consists of real human beings. They are people, friends, mothers and sons even if they don't act like it all the time.
Journalists are entitled to their beliefs. They must keep opinions separate from their daily prose, but the God-given rights the public enjoys should not be denied to journalists just because they carry a notepad or a microphone.

1 comment:

Brittiny said...

Amen sister friend