Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Killer Steamroller

I'm not sure what it is about bad movies, but I can't get enough of them. Someone mentioned Maximum Overdrive today and I can't stop thinking about it. I must rent it.

I want to fake sick so I can go home and watch it now.

For you poor souls who haven't heard of Maximum Overdrive, here's the dish.

It's a little apocalyptic story about machines that come to life and kill humans when a comet passes by earth. The 1986 flick is written and directed by Stephen King, although after the reviews, King said that would be his only foray into directing. The movie stars Emilio Estevez, a maniac toy semi and an ATM machine that calls Stephen King an asshole.

This winning film even has deaths scenes including a child being run over by a steamroller and a man being electrocuted by his earphones.

How could this little gem not be good?

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