Monday, June 25, 2007

No Riot

My predictions of fire and mayhem in Columbus this weekend were wrong. Apparently hockey fans, the gays and hippies do get along. Who knew?

My time at ComFest was eventful to say the least. When I arrived at 5 or so, it seemed like everyone had been drinking since 6 a.m. (including the cabbie who drove us there). We ran into "Ash" who kept dancing on his cooler, a couple former co-workers and a treasurer.

I've had to play Designated Driver on several occasions, but at ComFest everyone was drunker and higher on a totally different level-- Ash peed in his cooler in the middle of the crowd and a former co-worker was sporting a lovely red Gatorade goatee.

All in all, I'll give ComFest two more thumbs than last year. Fine family fun considering all the topless women.

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