Friday, June 22, 2007

Goodbye Biscuits

Bob Evans died yesterday. I was surprised that there was actually a man named Bob Evans, but I guess that does make sense.

I'm sad about the passing. That man made some awesome biscuits. I just hope the legend lives on through his awesome food.

In other news Paris Hilton was offered $1 million to do an interview with NBC when she gets out of jail.... I don't even know where to start on my rant on this.

All I'll say is that lazy-eyed, worthless, waste of space doesn't need $1 million to go on TV and say 'Jail wasn't hot.' I wish Americans would end their fascination with that air headed bimbo.

On the bright side, ComFest is looming in the future. Columbus should be booming this weekend with the hippie fest, gay pride weekend and hockey draft-- are anyone else's spidey senses tingling?

Does anyone else predict a hardcore Anchorman-type riot?

I hope I have the trident.

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