Thursday, August 9, 2007


This lucky girl went to the Weird Al concert at the state fair last night...

I guess I'm not being sarcastic when I say that, although I must admit (as pointed out by G. Jonah) I've never seen so many men with pony tails in one place. I forgot that state fairs are pretty much white trash central and last night was no exception. Mullets, tye-dyed clowns on stilts and B.O. were plentiful, but they didn't ruin the concert.

I got dragged to the concert by G. Jonah, but it was actually entertaining. Weird Al has a great show, with lots of costume changes, short songs (with the exception of that Albuquerque monstrosity) and funny videos. It's a great show for the short attention spanned.

I was in awe when Weird Al showed up on the stage in a fat suit for Fat. After about a two-minute costume change, he lumbered out looking like something out of those God-awful Eddie Murphy movies. He even had the multiple chins, which I think is amazing considering the short time and extreme temperatures.

All in all it was an entertaining experience and I was truly able to appreciate air conditioning when it was through.

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