Friday, August 10, 2007

Where have all the robots gone?

I don't know if anyone else has realized this, but it's 2007. Really, it is. I wouldn't lie about this.

So seeing as how we're in such an advanced age, where the hell are all the robots? I don't like to take my image of the future from lame movies like AI, but think about Bladerunner or the taxi-driving robots in Total Recall? We really should have robots by now.

An article in Slate says at the government's latest science fair, there are lizard robots that can climb glass and robots that can do operations in the field, but I think we should be much further along than that.

Sure we have the robots that are putting millions of workers out of jobs doing tasks that monkeys could do, but where are the cool robots? Where are the robot nannies and robot cars? I know I'd like a robot to clean my apartment. And who wouldn't love to have their order taken correctly at TBell at 2:30 a.m.?

So join me in telling scientists to get a move on it. I want a robot bartender making me a long island within five years.


Merlin said...

writtenbliss said...

Also ...