Monday, August 20, 2007

Surfin' USA

From a much deserved vacation at the lake:
1 day swimming and walking on the beach, 6 boat rides, 3 mudslides, 1 trip to Put-in-Bay and no sunburns.

After a smooth ride out to Put-in-Bay in my parents boat, though, winds whipped up the biggest waves I have ever seen on Lake Erie. It felt dangerous just getting on the boat and after some Columbus boaters called us crazy, we took off into 7-8 foot waves.

Some other boats were trying to leave too-- we watched a small cigarette boat go air born and I thought it was going to capsize. After the first wave came over our boat, my mom smartened up and said, "We're turning around."

My mom and I ended up taking the Jet Express back to the shore while my dad stayed with the boat. Some of the passengers screamed as the big fairy was tossed around. I felt like I was in that Walburg movie with the big storm.

I love vacations.

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