Friday, August 10, 2007

Tiny Tidbits, Large Breasts

Last night I was watching Little People, Big World. If anyone still lives in the 1900's and has never even heard of this, it's a reality show about two midget parents who have three normal-sized kids and one midget kid. How cruel fate is. Basically it's your typical, boring reality show made fun by midgets. Is there anything they can't do?

Last night they were trying to get their midget son to stop being shy, so the dad took him to a midget convention. The dad put tons of pressure on the poor kid by saying, "This is where I met your mom and this is where you'll probably meet your wife."

Enter little midget teen with enormous boobs. Seriously. Porn star boobs. I can't quite figure out the dynamics of how she moves without falling forward. I imagine that when she rolls over on her chest at night she wakes up with her lil' midget feet in the air.

So the little midget son worked his lil' man magic and was popular with the midget chicks, including Tits Magee. Oh happy day.

In other oddities, I woke up this morning to a commercial saying, "One day I'll laugh without having to cross my legs."

At first I wondered what silly geese came up with this commercial, but then I began thinking about it. What if you did have to cross your legs every time you laughed so you don't pee a little? What happens when you're walking and you see a child trip and bite the curb? It isn't easy walking and crossing your legs at the same time.

1 comment:

Brittiny said...

For some unknown reason when that show comes on t.v. I have such a difficult time turning away! Damn how facinating those midgets are