Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bad Habits

In the interest of not wasting time I'm blogging at work... quite a conundrum, eh?
I'm hoping that working on improving my writing and communication will qualify as work-related activity as I have nothing else to do but sit around and wait for others to get their act together. I've exhausted the internet and it's come to this.
That and technically I shouldn't even be here.
On the brighter side Jerry Falwell died today. I never realized before that he's based in Lynchburg, TN the home of Jack Daniels.... does anyone else see the irony?
Also, I recently discovered the fact that despite the Jack Daniel's distillery being located in Lynchburg, it's a dry town. More irony from Tennessee.

1 comment:

writtenbliss said...

Actually, that's Lynchburg, VA. Where Falwell was, not where Jack Daniels is, I mean.
On a more amusing note, a large dome-like structure that was used as a convocation hall for Liberty University students in recent years was often referred to as "Jerry's Boob." It looked like one, too.
Bet you're too frightened by this information to ask me how I know. ;)