Tuesday, May 15, 2007

TV News + Reality TV = Reality News??

Just as I was beginning to hope that reality TV had run its course, I find out TV News is venturing into that sick, twisted and sometimes boring world. The anchors of Good Day Columbus are doing a segment called Dancing with the Anchors.

I find root canals more appealing than watching Dancing With the Stars, so I'm not really sure why it's popular. My only theory is that TV stations are now hiring monkeys to think up ideas for shows and the American public isn't smart enough to figure it out.... but I digress.

I would think that people find Dancing with the Stars interesting because there are "stars" or athletes trying to dance. Have you ever watched white people dance at a club? It's pretty much the same thing, I'm guessing.

I'm certain the star power of the show is the big draw, so I'm quite puzzled on who thought using local TV news anchors for a similar segment was a good idea. TV news anchors around here are not interesting, rich or powerful and I'm pretty sure they've never been pursued by the paparazzi.

I'd really prefer to have the TV anchors report the news. If it's a slow news day maybe they could do a story on local news that's not negative instead of copying national TV that's not even that interesting to begin with..... But that's just an idea.

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