Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm kind of a big thing

Before Weds/Thurs lunch today I never really wrapped my head around how big blogs are (yes, another epiphany from my dumb ass).
Talk of what's on whose blog took at least five minutes of lunch today, and in a crowd whose lunch time talk ranges from zombies to the minivan (don't ask), that's pretty damn good. While waiting for calls back today I ripped through the who's who of blogs and I could have spent five more hours if my eyes hadn't been burned by my computer screen.
And I never knew other people read the drivel I post every day.
With that said, I'd like to apologize and pledge to start posting on riveting, politically relevant topics. The future of this blog will cover important, breaking news and I hope to soon add a Vodcast.

Who am I kidding? We all know I don't have that kind of attention span.

1 comment:

Merlin said...

Well, one reason is A) All of us at the table are writers by trade, B) the stuff we write for the papers allows for little or no outlet for creativity and C) we're basically all pretty boring and without lives. And thus... we blog.