Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rudy: Indecision 2008

Thanks to Slate my vote in the primary may have been deterred from former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The man had me at his first kick when he showed up on SNL in high heals among a line of chorus girls, but after finding out about his personal life, I'm not so sure.
Cons: I don't like kids, but he is pro-choice.
His son isn't talking to him.
He's been married three times-- so basically he doesn't learn a lesson.
Rudy announced the separation from his second wife in a press conference before he told her (classy!).
His law firm lobbies for Venezuelan-owned Citgo.
He's been "awarded" the life-time achievement award for blocking free expression.
Pros: He's a very loose Republican.
He's appeared in drag a few times and he wore heals in a kick line on SNL.

Hmmm, perhaps I should stop basing my political decisions on whether or not the candidate feels good in drag..... I guess we'll see what happens as the shitstorm of a primary rolls on.

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