Monday, May 21, 2007

Cleveland Doesn't Especially Rock... But Indy Does

Visiting new cities is a bitch. I always look around and think 'This is so much cooler than where I live. Maybe I should move...' But as you can see, I haven't yet no matter how tempting the aspect is.

I was in Indianapolis over the weekend and the thought of living there does not make me cringe. The downtown is much prettier than Columbus and it seems smaller because I cannot get lost there. We rented a paddleboat on the canal and walked around the city. We ate delicious food and drank tasty beverages. The homeless people in Indianapolis are nice, they don't harrass you for money. They sit on the corner and jingle their change cups so you can hear a chorus of pennies and dimes ringing through the streets.

It was good times that compared to hookers and blow, but when you wake up the next morning you have to drag your lazy ass out of bed and go home. You consider just staying and living in a cardboard box until a bed opens at the Y, but somehow you always find yourself magically transported to your car which happens to be two hours out of the city. Damn.

I sometimes consider putting the nix on traveling because coming home depresses me, but visiting shitty places like Detroit make it worth it because you can honestly say 'At least I don't live in Detroit.'

1 comment:

Merlin said...

I also enjoyed Indy. Except for the part about getting salt in my eyes. Or getting karate-chopped in the sternum. Or the incestuous woman grabbing my ass. Wait a second...