Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Damnit George

GW decided to break into the Simpsons so he could explain why he vetoed the war spending bill. Is that really necessary? I think we've all heard for weeks that GW was going to veto the bill if it set a timeline for withdrawal of the troops, so no explanation is needed. Hell, you're the president, you can't get re-elected so why explain? Do whatever you want GW.

I don't really care about the bill. I know troops won't be leaving the area for a while. I won't get into whether or not I think the war is right, but I think one day all the Iraqis should wake up some morning and all the soldiers should be gone. But before they all start to celebrate, they realize the soldiers took all their goats.... Take that Iraqis.

This explanation is taking a little too long. Couldn't he have just dropped us all a quick e-mail? He's interrupted about five minutes if the Simpsons so far and I am not amused. I know the show has been on for years and it's on every night, but come on. Couldn't they have explained this in a more entertaining way? Homer refuses to pay for a donut he ate and Bob tries to kill Bart again. Viola!

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